31 December 2006

I am going to make the WarpBSD project happen this new year. I want it. The goals are not unacheivable and the goalposts aren't going anywhere.

11 December 2006

It has been a while since I had any time to work on this project but I do hope to get some of it started after the new year.
To start, I plan to base the code on the latest stable version of FreeBSD 4 and the system compiler will be OpenWatcom, I intend to start by building a new in-kernel LX module loader. After that, then I may migrate the build to use owcc instead of gcc,

26 July 2006

Start of my log

Just thought I should log my work. I have been investigating in my free time various technologies as used in OS/2. There are many things which it does which other operating systems do not appear to do and in my opinion, it is pretty sophisticated.

Areas which I have been examining include:
* LX binary loading
* SOM infrastructure
* Presentation Manager -> GRADD

As part of my "WarpBSD" project, I would like to create opensource versions of various key OS/2 technologies. They are unlikely to be bit-for-bit binary compatible but I would hope to be largely source compatible. Of course, ABI compatibility would be nice to run legacy applications ... but not strictly neccessary to begin with.